All of our bodies are different.
Why should we all have the same medical devices?
Jewel Splint is creating medical accessories that are highly functional, but also beautiful.
Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder, but we in Jewel Splint think after beholding most medical accessories, that they look incredibly unattractive—and are often not as pragmatically designed as they could be.
The founder of Jewel Splint is Masha Pinsky. She is an occupational therapist and a jeweler.
During her therapeutic work, she helped many patients by designing, constructing and fitting the hand/finger splints, customized to answer their particular functional and medical needs.
Though the braces fulfilled the functional requirements, they were mainly made of plastic materials and were lacking elegance – fact that always bothered her.
As a result, it was only natural for her to combine her two passions – treatment and arts, and pursue the ultimate splint design – practical and fashionable.
After many trials and errors, Masha came up with the concept of Jewel Splint.
Jewel Splints are made of sterling silver, gold, titanium or their combination.
A very important feature of the Jewel Splint is its adjustability.
One can slightly adjust the width and length of the splint when first received and during the day, when the temperature variations affect the finger size.
Each splint is a jewel.
Turn discomfort into beauty.
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